Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 

An Alternative Treatment For Depression
“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” - John Green

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 

An Alternative Treatment for Depression
“There is Hope, Even When Your Brain Tells You There Isn’t.” - John Green

Be a part of the 70% - 92% of people who benefit from TMS!

The Acuity Difference

At Acuity TMS, we work with each patient individually at our brain health center to provide treatment that works best for their specific needs. Our team is dedicated to creating individualized treatment plans that are based on their specific symptoms, experiences, and goals. Through our treatment plans, our patients can receive treatments that can significantly improve their brain health but aren’t available at many clinics.

A picture of a glowing brain with lights coming from it.

TMS Therapy

Approximately 60% to 74% of people with depression experience a clinically meaningful response with TMS. About one-third (1/3) of these individuals experience a full remission, meaning that their symptoms go away completely.

A neon picture of the human brain.

How it Works

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic pulses—similar to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine—to awaken parts of the brain that are underactive in depressed people.

A person holding their hands out with a blue brain in the middle.

How Safe is TMS

TMS is an exceedingly safe procedure. The most common side effect is mild headaches. A consultation to ensure optimal medical safety is conducted by our Psychiatrists of medical doctors for each patient.

Understanding Depression

Every connection matters. Depression occurs when your brain’s vital areas become inactive. TMS reconnects neural pathways in specific networks within the brain. More importantly, it reconnects you to your life.

What our Happy Clients are Saying

"I was the victim of repeated domestic violence to the point I felt completely worthless and did not feel I deserved to be happy. I had failed my kids, I had failed my parents, and I had failed to live up to the lowest standards I had for myself. TMS treatment helped me to feel that tomorrow mattered."


" I am an ex professional football player. Before TMS my life felt pointless. This treatment gave me my joy back and allowed my children to again see me as the the daddy they loved."

D. M.

"I am forever grateful to Kevin for what he has help me to accomplish this far with TMS! Mr. Curry is GREAT! He's been nothing but genuine, kind, and understanding. He really help me find peace in the storm with this treatment! I feel like the light is on and I am no longer in the depressive tunnel I was in."


"I can say my life has been filled with blessings. I’ve always tried hard to do me best . Inside I have always felt a volcano of sadness and despair. At times I felt I would implode from the agony. Acuity TMS has helped me to see the light on joy and peace. My inside feels like they match my outside now and I feel like a whole person for the first time since being a child."


"My progress was strange. First I felt more focused and were able to complete tasks longer than I use to. Then I started sleeping better. Next I did not get stuck in problems and negative thinking like I used to. Then my senses came alive. I smelling and heard things better. Lastly, I was blessed with peace and joy and my dreaded friend was not there anymore. Thanks be to God."


"I want to think the wonderful staff at Acuity TMS of Plano. They cared for me at my worst and always made me feel special. I was very skeptical for a long whole doubting everything. As I entered my final 10 sessions a light flashed and I begin to feel like a new person. I can not explain my surprise. the only tears I cry now of happiness and appreciation for the gift I have received."


Acuity TMS vs. Depression Medications

While medications manage symptoms, Acuity TMS treatment targets the networks associated with depression and mood disorders. By forming positive neural pathways, patients experience long-term, sustainable relief from their depression symptoms.

TMS Therapy FAQ

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a revolutionary depression treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate neural activity in areas of the brain responsible for mood regulation. It is a particularly helpful option for patients with complex, treatment-resistant, or refractory depression, is safe and effective, and can be used in conjunction with other treatments or as a stand-alone option.